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Yale Public Schools

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Children's Centers

Yale Public Schools Children’s Centers offer before and after school latchkey and preschool. Our centers are open Monday through Friday 6 AM – 6 PM during normal school days including half days.

Latchkey can be used daily, weekly, monthly or as back up. Advance notice is encouraged to ensure a spot. Staff is scheduled according to child ratio. Latchkey is charged on an hourly basis of $4.75 /hour. Schedules are due a week in advance.

Preschool runs from 8:45am – 11:45am Monday/Wednesday/Friday or
Tuesday/Thursday.  Preschool is charged on a daily basis, $14.25/day and is due monthly.

We require a yearly registration fee of $25/child.





Yale Public Schools Children’s Centers offer day care facilities in all of our elementary schools. The programs offered include before and after school latchkey, day care, and preschool. Our centers are open Monday through Friday 6 AM – 6 PM during normal school days including half days. For more information click on "learn more" under the building name.



Avoca Elementary


Avoca Elementary School Icon

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Farrell-Emmett Elementary


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Yale Elementary


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