Welcome! The Yale Public School District is a great school district with high academic standards and programs to meet all students’ needs. The information for enrolling your child is organized at the bottom of this page in tabs below. Complete enrollment packets are available in the main offices of each school or at the district’s Central Office. If you would like to start the enrollment paperwork prior to enrolling your child, please follow the steps outlined below. If you need any assistance with completing the enrollment packets or have questions, please feel free to contact our Central Office at (810) 387-3231 ext. 7264 or email ngreen@ypsd.us or nmaplethorpe@ypsd.us .
Residence Living Within the Yale Public School District
1. Click on the “Enrollment Packet” tab below.
2. Print out the forms and complete as much information as possible.
3. Gather the information outlined in the “Required Documentation Form” (proof of residency, birth certificate, immunization records, etc)
4. Click on the “Individual Forms” tab if you need information regarding medication at school, special education services, homelessness, etc. Print and complete the necessary forms.
5. Take all enrollment materials to either your child’s new school or Central Office.
Residence Living Outside of the Yale Public School District
1. Click on the “Schools of Choice” tab below.
2. Review the Schools of Choice information (especially the dates and deadlines).
3. Click on the “Schools of Choice Application” link.
4. Print the form and complete all of the information.
5. Deliver the completed application to Central Office (Office of the Superintendent).
6. Once you receive approval from the Superintendent, complete the steps of enrollment outlined in the “Residence Living Within the Yale Public School District” section.
Welcome to Bulldog Country!
Enrollment Forms
Enrollment - Complete Packets
- Avoca Elementary
- Foreign Exchange Student Enrollment Packet
- John F Farrell Elementary
- Phoenix Complete Packet
- Yale Elementary
- Yale High School
- Yale Junior High
Enrollment - Individual Forms
- Change of Address Form
- Computer Use Agreement
- Enrollment Form
- Free / Reduced Lunch Application
- Immunization Requirements
- McKinney-Vento Reporting Form
- Medication Permission Form
- MHSAA Concussion Awareness Form
- Permission to Place Form
- Required Enrollment Documents
- Volunteer Form
- YPS Immunization Disclosure
- YPS Virtual Device Agreement Form
- YPS Virtual Online Course Agreement Form
Enrollment - Schools of Choice
- Schools of Choice Website
- YPS Elementary In-District School of Choice Application
- 2nd Semester School of Choice Application