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Yale Public Schools

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Series 3000 Operations, Finance & Property

3100 General Operations

3101 Insurance 

3102 Smoking, Tobacco Products, Drugs, and Alcohol

3103 Copyright Compliance

3104 School Cameras and Monitoring

3105 Visitors and Volunteers

3106 Booster Clubs, PTO's and Other Support Groups

3106-F Booster Clubs, PTO's and Other Support Groups

3107 Use of Detection Dogs 

3108 Service Animals

3109 Curricular Animals

3110 Data Breach Response

3111 Drones

3112 Hours and Days of School Operations

3113 Social Security Numbers

3114 Litigation

3115 Nondiscrimination and Retaliation

3116 District Technology and Acceptable Use

3117 Intellectual Property

3118 Nondiscrimination Covenant in Contracts with the District

3118 F-1 Formal Complaint

3119 Experimental or Pilot Programs

3120 Intentionally Left Blank

3200 Finance and Borrowing

3201 Accounting

3202 Budget and Truth in Budgeting/Taxation Hearings

3203 Deposits

3204 Investment of Funds

3205 Disbursements

3206 Property Tax

3207 School Activities Fund

3208 Surety Bonds of District Officials

3209 Debit/Credit Cards

3210 Borrowing

3211 Post-Issuance Tax Compliance

3212 Post-Issuance Disclosure Compliance 

3213 Electronic Transactions of Funds and Automated Clearing House Arrangements

3300 Facilities, Real and Property

3301 Purchasing and procurement

3302 Acquisition of Real Property

3303 Gifts and Donations

3303-F Gifts and Donations Form

3304 Use of District Property

3305 Sale or Lease of District Property

3306 Construction Bidding

3307 Construction Administration

3308 Distribution of Printed Material and Advertising in School

3309 Bus Inspections

3400 School Safety and Security

3401 School Cancellation, Delay, and Early Dismissal

3402 Drills, Plans, and Reports

3403 Reporting Accidents

3404 Communicable Diseases

3405 Bloodborne Pathogens

3406 Integrated Pest Management

3407 Asbestos Management

3408 Firearms and Weapons

3409 Intentionally Left Blank

3410 Opioid Antagonist

3500 FOIA Requests and Record Retention

3501 Freedom of Information Act

3501-AG Freedom of Information Act Procetures and Guidelines

3502 Record Retention